Apostolic Maximalism Family Gathering.
Apostolic Maximalism family gathering was conducted through Google meet platform on June 15, 2021.
27th Death Anniversary of Servant of God William Giaquinta.
On June 15, 2021 a video ” La Memoria ” clubbing testimonies of several who are known of Bishop’s saintly life and are blessed heavenly prayers was prepared on the occasion of Bishop’s 27th death anniversary.
Silver Jubilee Celebrations

Silver Jubilee of Leena Arackal, Tessy Karukaparambil, Ancy Kaduppil was celebrated on 2021 September 11.
First & Final Commitment.
On august 28, 2021 Liya Olickal’s first profession, Jilby Purayidathil’s and Soumya Kanjirakkatt’s final profession was conducted under the patronage of His Grace Mar Joseph Peruthottam.
Snehichidunnu ninne njan……

Servant of God Bishop William Giaquinta the founder of Apostolic Maximalism is nearing the end of his diocesan canonization process. We dedicate to all this occasion song composed and tuned by him.
All Saints Day Celebration

All Saints Day celebration was conducted on April 9th 2021 at Christuraja Church, Ettumanoor. We streamed a live telecast that begins with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & sums up with the Holy Mass.