Apostolate & Spirituality
Pro Sanctity is a worldwide Movement organized to promote the universal call to holiness and to offer all people the spiritual means to respond to this call. The Pro Sanctity Movement, founded in 1947 by Bishop Giaquinta, is composed of lay people of all ages, consecrated people, and priests. ProSanctity is a world-wide movement of people, based on Catholic teachings, who seek holiness in everyday life.
The Pro Sanctity Movement is a Catholic-based organization dedicated to promoting the universal call to holiness.
It seeks to address the needs of the mind with theology, the heart with spirituality, and the hands with ministry.
It is open to all; especially those who wish to deepen their commitment to God and share with others the message of holiness.
Promotion of the doctrine of the Universal call to Holiness, understanding this vocation as a generous and total response to God’s love for us, offering practical means to others that will enable them to grow and mature in the life of the Spirit, thus pursuing their call to holiness, faithful collaboration with the Hierarchy, inorder that holiness be the soul of every pastoral activity. Apostolic Oblates all over the world are striving hard to make a culture of holiness by all possible ways and means. Spirituality Centres, where they conduct spiritual programmes such as Retreats, Seminars, Camps, Personality development programmes for youth and children, School of prayer, School of bible, Conferences, Conventions etc are a part of their apostolate.They are also involved in parish apostolate, pro sanctity mission, counselling, young and adult catechism etc. The spirituality of Apostolic Oblates is based on the Redemptive love of our Saviour.
The Apostolic Oblates :in order to bring about their specific apostolate of promoting the call to holiness.
- Offers through various activities, opportunities such as Pro Sanctity Home Missions, Conventions, Retreats, Camps, Counseling etc. for a deep spiritual formation as an initial step on then journey toward Holiness.
- Establishes and develops lay apostolic activities through the Pro Sanctity Movement, to make known and to help live the vocation to Holiness.
- Participates actively in the life and activities of the parish.
Pro Sanctity Movement
National Directress
Ancy Kaduppil
Mob: 6282403825
Apostolate Commission Members
Tessy karukaparambil
Mob: 8075339719
Shiny Muthuplackal
Mob: 9497588192